How to Launch an ICO
ICO investments and projects have been great hits just before two or three years. But, as of now, fraudsters and other illegal brands dive in to raise only funds, not their project ideas, into reality. Instead of blindly investing in ICO tokens or developing them without any clear vision, know the end-to-end process of professional ICO development and then proceed!
Let\’s get into the details of ICO right now without retarding your success!
What is an ICO?
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the popular crowdfunding technique traded in exchange for fiat or popular cryptocurrencies by start-up or established businesses to proceed with new project ideas. In early 2017, many giant projects dived in and made millions of fundraising to make their dream projects into reality for the welfare of society.
It\’s not that only crypto-based projects must raise funds through ICO; any interesting projects that may gain traction among investors can head up. ICO funds are sold out based on the trading potential and legitimate process of the project. To follow the professional ICO launch, you must know the step-by-step process followed by the ICO development company!
Now let\’s get into the end-to-end process of ICO launch!
Phases of ICO Launch
ICO launch succeeds when it heads through the following professional steps. Here\’re the three major aspects of ICO development!
- Pre-ICO
- ICO Development
- Post-ICO
Without retarding your success even a minute, let’s get straight away into the details of how to launch an ICO.
If you’re too busy and bored to read a long blog, here’s an ico infographic that could help you know all about ICO!!!!

Pre-ICO Launch
Pre-ICO is the primary step involved in launching your token sale. All the documentation, legal clearance, ICO dashboard, investor, and project enthusiasts token sale must be prepared in this phase of ICO.
We will take a glance at all the steps in Pre-ICO!
WhitePaper Drafting
A successful whitepaper can drive investors to trust your project idea and the progress of the plan. Hence, it\’s mandated to draft your whitepaper with proper details. You can include roadmaps, icons, and other better designs to add value to your whitepaper and make it exciting documentation of all times.
List of details to be mentioned in whitepaper!
- Trading Potential,
- Estimated capital with operating costs that are required to run the project at initial stages without any profit,
- Potential risks on the project phases,
- Roadmap of the entire project,
- Legal fees,
- Potential risks,
- Benefits of investors,
- Accepted currencies for trade,
- Period of the token sale.
Design MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
It\’s always a wiser choice to digitalize or showcase your concept or project idea than just explaining its potential for hours through presentation slides. Design a minimum viable product(MVP) that can tell your investors, clients about the project within a few seconds.
Visual things can impact human minds more than documents! Hence, get ready with your MVP before the investor token sale.
Outreach with PR Campaigns
Once done with the planning of your ICO token sale, white paper, and other legal clearances. Start outreaching about your project in the press releases at which your target audience will spend their time. Establishing your ICO token sale campaign for investors in renowned PR\’s would ensure trust and proper organic outreach for your crowdfunding.
Carve Official Website
Whenever you reach your target audience, they visit your official website to know about your authority and other information at their fingertips. A branded website must be shown off with an elegant design and intuitive UI that attracts your visitors to the project\’s potential.
Try designing your official website with gifs or illustrative whiteboard videos to speak for your project idea, and never forget to tell the investor benefits! No one cares about your project until they\’re reaping gains!
Listing your ICO in Exchanges
ICOs have lost trust among investors due to fraudulent activities that have happened in recent times. Hence, to bring back the faith in your own ICO tokens, it\’s better to list them in the well-known exchanges of the crypto community.
Listing your ICO tokens in exchanges will gain your trust in projects and more investment. Instead of starting your ICO marketing from day 1, exchange listing takes you directly to the target audience!
Create a User-Friendly Investor Dashboard
You can now start your ICO token sale to the early investors and project enthusiasts with the best deals of your tokens. But before starting your token sale, you must be ready with the best ICO dashboard and multi-cryptocurrency wallet to manage the funds collected.
Investor ICO dashboard must be provided with user-friendly UI so that you can manage the crypto and fiat assets of your project independently!
Start Investor Token Sale
Finally, you can start your ICO token sale for investors and project enthusiasts. Early investors must be provided with better deals and rewards so that people can easily jump into your project.
For the safer side, you must sell only 25% of the tokens. The rest must be offered in the public sale so that you can reach the hard cap values of the ICO tokens.
You\’re halfway done! Just two more steps to launch your ICO! Hold back; we will take you through the process!
ICO Development
An expert team with a keen knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrencies must start developing your ICO tokens in this phase. There\’re multiple ways to develop your own ICO tokens and their upcoming steps in token development.
Develop from scratch
If you\’re planning to launch the best ICO token of all time, you can start crafting your crypto coins right from scratch. Pick one of the blockchain frameworks that suits your needs and start developing your cryptocurrency with flawless computer protocol.
But, sure, it takes your time and handsome money for professional cryptocurrency development from scratch! There is a bit easier way that can help you save time and money!
Fork the existing cryptos
Always there are easy-breezy ways to reach your goal; here comes the divine god in your place! You can fork the existing crypto coin\’s open-source code and develop the value-added features. But, before picking the crypto coin base, design your features and plan to choose the crypto code that closely matches your requirements. This way you can save a lot of time, human effort and of course money!
Adding features is not a big deal, but resolving bugs, vulnerability is the key task! Let\’s get into that!
Find loopholes and patch up
If your ICO is done, you\’d have that collars up a moment. But, just a step more to get perfect ICO tokens. You must resolve the bugs, vulnerabilities, security threats that are found in ICO tokens. Find all the loopholes for hackers and patch them up with ingenious testing and defect fixing!
Just an inch away from the ICO launch! The final phase of ICO development is preceding!
Post-ICO Launch
Many ICO projects have created black magic in the fintech industry that made ICO, cryptocurrencies trustless among the investors. But, soon, the times will change, and people with legitimate visions will dive into ICO crowdfunding.
Here\’re the post-marketing strategies that can bring back trust in ICO token sales!
Share essential collaterals
People lose trust as they are not provided with proper documentation. Hence, it\’s better to share the whitepaper, legal documents, and other collaterals on the web, official sites, press releases for accessibility of investors, fintech enthusiasts.
Unless the people get your project roadmap, it\’s tough to hold them as trusted investors after the ICO token sale. Everyone in this world makes mistakes, potential, and unexpected risks in every aspect of the project. Hence, you can explain the root cause, bug fixing, and analysis reports through your official sites.
Digital Marketing
Instead of releasing your brand or project progression on someone\’s official site, you can post the progress, updates of the ICO project on your website.
Explain to people about the project and the capitals you utilize through social media. Keep them engaged!
Community Marketing
A brand builds a better community of advisors, well-wishers who can give hope, find loopholes to patch up in their product. Hence, you must reach your community audience and make a social connection.
You can also step ahead and conduct campaigns, scholarship events that promote your brand as well as helps you connect with the community. Raise queries on quora, bitcoin, crypto forums so that you get your doubts or chaos clarified!
Bounty Campaigns
It\’s always not possible to find all the loopholes for hackers in your products. Instead, your users can find it for you!
Plan for bounty campaigns and offer rewards based on the scope of security threats. Always welcome suggestions and updates on your product so that you hold the top position in the ICO market.
Drive organic traffic than paid
ICO token sale is not legal anymore. Hence, you must get clearance from the jurisdiction at which you\’re planning to sell your ICO tokens. ICO term is banned through Google Ads, social media paid ads. Try Reddit, Telegram, SEO, forums, social media, and other crypto community for ICO marketing. It\’s always better to drive traffic through organic searches than through paid ads.
Performance marketing
You may try performance marketing in a hectic financial state to save capital funds. But when you hand over the entire marketing task to a team, you must wait for the results to bang.
Success is on your plate!
All set! You can raise your capital funds and meet the hard cap values for your ICO projects. Not every project in the world attracts investors, but the attractive project can create a new world! Blockchain and crypto-based projects are among them!
If you are tired of the entire process, hand over the entire process to the professional and an expert ICO development company that can allow you to lay back with no hassles!